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Have the best summer ever with your family this year! Enjoy these summer “bucket list” essentials to have tons of fun this season with the ones you love. Shop all of these fun finds and more right on Amazon!
Who doesn’t love outdoor fun in the summer!? Check out this awesome tent and go on a family camping trip to make memories that last a lifetime. Or head to the beach and grab this sand castle kit before you go so you can have tons of family fun building in the sand! You can also make outdoor memories in your own backyard and practice gardening and planting together with this gardening set.
Try some classic treats like this sno cone maker you can have right in your own home! You can also set up a fun family lemonade stand and make fresh lemonade for your neighborhood friends – such a classic summer memory!
Spend those summer nights looking up at the sky as a family with this cool telescope! You can learn about different stars and planets together and then search for things each night for some quality family time.
Make sure to grab this cute bucket list journal where you can keep track of all your fun family adventures this summer! It’ll be great to look back on it in a few years and remember all the cool things you did together.
Keep scrolling to check out even more summer fun essentials you’re sure to enjoy with the whole family!
My Favorite Family Summer Bucketlist Items

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