Everything You Need to Know about LTK Con

Hey y’all I am back and updating this post after securing my invite to LTKCon 2024. This LTK Conference will be my THIRD year in a row attending and will be joining the 360 top influencers from the LTK App. Keep scrolling to learn more about LTK Con and how I got invited!

What is LTK?

LTK is Like To Know It – a shopping app that connects Influencers with brands to give users an easy way to shop their favorite Influencers’ looks. I often find myself telling people that LTK is like Pinterest, but everything is linked. If you want to read more about what LTK is – you can check out my blog post here.

What is LTK Con?

LTKCon is the exclusive and invite-only conference that LTK puts on for their the top influencers on the platform. LTKCon is every Instagrammer’s dream – the backdrops, the lighting, the parties, the events, the swag, everything has been curated to be Insta ready and sure to spark the interest of any invitee’s following.

The History of LTK Con

2021 marked the 10th #LTKCON, formerly #RSTHECON. The last time the conference was in person in 2019. In 2020 TLK opted to have the conference completely virtual and invited all LTK influencers to attend. Here are exclusive insights that LTK published following the virtual conference.

In 2021 there was talk of the conference happening but ultimately LTK scrapped the idea and no conference, in person or virtual happened in 2021. In early 2021 I was sent a save the date for the 2022 conference, the conference was scheduled for mid-April, the same time it has happened in years prior. The dates have shifted and the 2022 conference was held in September of 2022.

Who Attends #LTKCON?

#LTKCON is by invite only. You will probably see influencers posting in stories and on their feeds as well as sending emails to their followers as they receive invites.

According to LTK, only about 350 LTK influencers are invited to the conference. Which means you need to be the best of the best to secure an invite. The massive bloggers will all for sure have secured their invite of the 350 available.

How did I Get Invited to LTK Con?

LTK invites are sent out based on LTK sales generated and growth potential LTK sees in the influencer. For me, I believe it was my consistent sales and follower growth on the LTK App that secured my invite. I joined the platform about 6 years ago and have been growing steadily since.

LTK Con 2021

Since this is my first LTK Conference and I have only read blog posts and have seen photos of LTK Con’s past, I can’t wait to attend and report back to y’all! Be sure you are following me on Instagram and LTK and are subscribed to my emails here to hear all about the conference in real time!

What I Wore to LTK Con

Check out my Amazon Storefront

As always the thoughts and opinions shared here are strictly my own. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns via the contact page here.


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